the urbanguy chronicles episode #1: “More or Les”

Posted in culture, film, music, TV on June 28th, 2011 by urbanguy

Episode #1 “More or Les”

Neither a novelty act or your average rapper, Toronto’s More or Les (real name Les Seaforth) is a passionate hip hop aficionado whose quirky style and deadpan delivery challenge conventional thinking about hip hop.

film/edits: Ryan B. Patrick

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Deaf Ears Podcast Episode 14: Kanye West

Posted in funky snob, music on January 16th, 2011 by urbanguy

It’s another episode of the Deaf Ears Podcast! Cam and Ryan discuss Kanye West with the help of Toronto hip-hop heavyweight More or Les in a spirited “three way dance”.

Listen and learn…
- Kanye vs Jay-Z: Who has REALLY paid da cost to be da boss?
- Point/Counterpoint: Is there a place for pink sweater vests in hip-hop?
- Is Kanye a lyrical lightweight?
- The terror and WTF-isms of 808s and Heartbreak

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Rapping with Toronto’s More or Les

Posted in funky snob, music on December 16th, 2010 by urbanguy

Toronto-based rapper More or Les has a lot on his mind. Right now, he’s talkin’ bout brunch. And hate. But not necessarily in that order.

His third indie project, Brunch with a Vengeance represents an old school flow with new school sensibilities — all centred about relatable pet peeves like dirty restrooms, poor hygiene or lazy co-workers.

“For this album, I wanted to create a concept album that could resonate with anyone. And nothing resonates more than hate. Plus I love brunch,” says the affable MC.

Sway Magazine’s got my recent interview with More or Les.

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